Sunday, April 15, 2007

Stephanie's Bday - Chiva plus People's

Stephnie's B-day was on March 13th. Yeah your are right "Martes 13", scary ah? However we celebrated her birth day on Saturday 10th with a Chiva Parrandera and after party @ People's Bar & Lounge. It was amazing... Borrachera al maximo nivel. Enjoy the pictures!

Steph: "Welcome to my party!"

with Michael

with Angela

with Frenchy & Chari

with Gonnen & Meyer

with Guillermo

with Didio

with Angelis & Mariluz

with "The gringos" (actually we pick them up @ Bamboo)

with Adolfo

Cesar, Annette, Migue

Kevin & Astrid

Kedian & Boyfriend

Sofia & Thomas and some guy in the back

Erica and some guy in back

Alfred & Johanna

Finally here is Garrudo

Party at the Chiva

Part TWO @ People's

Ok Kafu you are out

Se formo en la parte de atras


Ok the camera is broken... GOOD BYE!


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